Der Geist | Issue 1

Der Geist | Issue 1

DER GEIST (Trevor Blake, editor) is an English-language journal for an international audience, publishing original scholarship on the philosophy of egoism. The journal is descriptive of the first century of egoism in print (from the 1845 publication of Der Einzige und sein Eigentum by Max Stirner to the end of 1945), not prescriptive in advocacy egoism. The inaugural issue includes an exclusive biography of Dora Marsden, lost essays by and about Malfew Seklew, and a newly discovered first photograph of Ragnar Redbeard.

DER GEIST is the permanent record of, founded on 1 April 2016 by Kevin I. Slaughter and Trevor Blake. has published hundreds of pages of rare historic egoist texts and will be publishing thousands more.

Scholarly interest in the egoism of Stirner, Marsden, Redbeard, Seklew and their peers (including Benjamin DeCasseres) has a new and unique home in DER GEIST.

DER GEIST, The Journal of Egoism from 1845 – 1945
WINTER 2017 (Published 25 October 2017)

Paperback, 160 pages, fifteen dollars
ISBN 978-1-944651-08-5

Underworld Amusements

US | MX | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT

Library Edition, fifty dollars
(please inquire)

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